Sill Pan Flashing For Home Builders & Architects
HomeFlash is a superior product to traditional membrane systems, which alone, fail to meet building code requirements.
HomeFlash eliminates dated membrane failures and is tested to perform and meet all NBC requirements.
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1. It has an outward slope of at least 6%

2. Nailing through the membrane is not permitted.
If you’re a home builder or an architect,
here are the top things you should know about sill pan flashing:

3. Your shims must not decay

4. It prevents water from entering the walls to the lower corners of windows and doors

If you’re a home builder or an architect,
here are the top things you should know about sill pan flashing:

1. It has an outward slope of at least 6%

2. Nailing through the membrane is not permitted.

3. Your shims must not decay

4. It prevents water from entering the walls to the lower corners of windows and doors
Most importantly, HomeFlash eliminates mediation or litigation risks to home building businesses and architects by ensuring windows and doors have been installed to meet building requirements. By executing construction the right way the first time, businesses can avoid costly repairs and renovations for unsatisfied customers.